Saturday, January 13, 2007

Crappy weather sucks!

It is my birthday and the Gods remembered! :) They like sending crappy weather to me on my birthday, They think it is fun! lol

Actually it isn't too bad because now I get to go to a nice restaurant nearby (that I wouldn't have thought of had I not been distance-restrained) and then curl up with DH and the pups in front of a fire! YAY! :) I am sure the cats will join in too if it fits their schedule!

SO I am off to get dressed for dinner. We are going early so we don't get stuck out too late. Late+Rain+Cold+Stupid Texas Drivers= VERY BAD

Then when we get home I get to have birthday cake that my friend's very sweet mom made for me. It is PURPLE (my favorite color) and it has a fudge icing FILLING! Not to mention the ever so yummy creamy icing on top! YUM! And just so you all know...Birthday cake has exactly NO calories and NO fat! lol

Later days!

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