Monday, May 22, 2006

Life with an addict...trying to stop

Bless him! My DH has finally decided to stop drinking. And while I am terribly proud of him and trying to support him any way I can. He is a GROUCH! And he is driving me crazy! I would say he is driving me to drink, but I can't drink in front of him, of course!

It doesn't help that I am hard-headed and stubborn...and so is he! So we butt heads at the best of times. So can you imagine in the worst of times? Yeah it is like the Clash of the Titans. Violent yelling storms, chilly silences, icy stares...and ABSOLUTELY NO PROGRESS! Well other than we usually end up feeling worse than when we started and both needing a drink that we can't have more than ever. Overall, it sucks!

So what I want to know is, how do people deal with this? Is the person that stops drinking going to be bitchy forever? Or is it a temporary thing? Or is it a personality trait that had been hidden by the beer? I guess I will see...eventually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I would rather be with someone who is sober because it's hard to know if the moments that happen when one partner is unsober are real, especially if one partner is unsober most of the time.