Friday, April 28, 2006

I want to post something...

I have been having a hard time posting. I have started two posts and not published them. I have something I want to say but I can't get it out of my brain in a sensible way. So for the loyal readers I don't yet have, I promise something new will go up soon. I just have to get past the block I got going on.

As an update, Will and B are doing great! Stiches came out today and my girls are back to normal. But let me just give you a mental picture here...the vet said to keep their activity limited. For those of you with a Jack Russell Terrorist (that would be B), you may laugh your a** off now...limit the activity of a JRT, is my vet INSANE???? Now for the mental picture and my hubby piled up on a pallet in the living room floor! That is what we did to keep the pups grounded. You would think a huge gash with stiches would have kept them from jumping...nope not my girls! They were trying to jump onto our 4 foot high king size bed the MOMENT they arrived home! Thus the pallet in the living room. Anyway, now is all back to normal. We have gotten back into our nice comfy bed and the girls no longer have those pestering, itchy stiches. And the best part...I have thrown the doggie diapers out the door!

Now I promise to get rid of the writer's block and get something going here. Time to go spray my "Block-Be-Gone" See ya soon!


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