Friday, April 28, 2006

I want to post something...

I have been having a hard time posting. I have started two posts and not published them. I have something I want to say but I can't get it out of my brain in a sensible way. So for the loyal readers I don't yet have, I promise something new will go up soon. I just have to get past the block I got going on.

As an update, Will and B are doing great! Stiches came out today and my girls are back to normal. But let me just give you a mental picture here...the vet said to keep their activity limited. For those of you with a Jack Russell Terrorist (that would be B), you may laugh your a** off now...limit the activity of a JRT, is my vet INSANE???? Now for the mental picture and my hubby piled up on a pallet in the living room floor! That is what we did to keep the pups grounded. You would think a huge gash with stiches would have kept them from jumping...nope not my girls! They were trying to jump onto our 4 foot high king size bed the MOMENT they arrived home! Thus the pallet in the living room. Anyway, now is all back to normal. We have gotten back into our nice comfy bed and the girls no longer have those pestering, itchy stiches. And the best part...I have thrown the doggie diapers out the door!

Now I promise to get rid of the writer's block and get something going here. Time to go spray my "Block-Be-Gone" See ya soon!


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

As Bob Barker would say...

Okay, okay...Bob Barker has always kinda creeped me out, but his patient reminder of "Spay or Neuter your pet!" is on my mind this morning. My boys (the cats, Tigg and Raff, nicknames you know) are neutered have been for sometime now. But this morning I had to drop the girls (the dogs, Will and B...yes those are nicknames, too!) at the vet's office. It was a long time coming, I should have had Mr. Barker's request done earlier. (And no I don't make it a habit to take advice from creepy men on tv.)But I always managed to put it off...

You see I used to work at a vet clinic (I know why didn't I get them "fixed" then). I have seen the surgery. I have taken care of the pups that have had it. I know they get pain meds, they are asleep through the surgery; in short, they get all the comforts we (humans) get when we get chopped up. I guess it comes down to I had the vague hope that I could have babies...well I guess it would be Will and B actually HAVING them. But I wanted puppies! Now my hopes are being surgerically cut out and thrown in the trash.

But I am okay with that. I wanted puppies...BUT then I realized I couldn't keep them after they had grown up...not a chance that I could have that many dogs running around. Hell, I almost have too many animals as it is! So my girls are going under the knife, and I am worried sick. But I know in my heart it will be okay. Besides there are a million benefits to them being spayed...the biggest one...................................NO MORE DOGGIE DIAPERS! I hate it when I am "in heat" but I hate it even more when Will and B are.

So the moral of the story today is don't forget to get your animals spayed or neutered...unless of course you want a million puppies and kitties running around your house!

No, seriously, there are too many animals out there without homes or people to love them. Why would we want to add more to the list? I may joke that I want puppies...but when it is time for me to have another, I am heading to the pound, ASPCA or a rescue group in the area. Let's make the list shorter, not longer.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Joys of Reality...TV that is of my favorite pasttimes...well at least it is a way to get the hell away from homework! On that note...I LOVE FOOD NETWORK! Actually I love to cook, thus the love of cooking shows because they teach me cool tricks and let me find new foods to try. But I now believe that reality TV has gone TOO far! The Next Food Network Star needs to go away! I know that it is necassary to find the next star, but do I HAVE to be involved in this PAINFUL process? And it never fails with me and reality TV, I am disappointed. Unfortunately, I turn on the TV, reality show is on, and...I get sucked in! Then the one person I like and think "Oh they would be okay!" gets kicked off and the weirdos are left! Ughhhhhh! Not that I couldn't find one that I would RATHER have...doesn't really matter I won't watch their new show anyway. At that time I will change to whatever my Tivo has recorded for me.

And now for two...

Write...that is what I said I was going to do. So here we go.

Maybe I should give you a bit of an idea of who I am. First I am married. No kids...well no human kids. I have 5 kids with fur. 2 dogs (Lab and Jack Russell, both girls), 2 Cats (boys), and 1 ferret (also a boy)...yes a ferret! I go to school. I am a "non-traditional" student, meaning I am older than most of the students there. (Not that much older though! Comes down to I didn't know what I want to do, so I waited around til I did) What I wanted to do turns out to have something to do with government. Or at least that is what my BA will be in. I figure eventually I will work for an interest group.

Now just to give you fair warning...I will have political talk here. Everyone has to vent sometimes, right? And in further interest of warning, I am Pagan--that means I am a believer in Earth-based, polytheistic, ancient knowledge. If you want more info, stick around...I will most likely end up sharing some. If I don't and you still want to know more, try a search engine or a library. I am a firm believer in figuring things out for yourself...but PLEASE be smart about it. There is a lot of BS out there, if it don't sound right, it might not be. Find more sources, compare facts, make up your own mind.

On that note, it is late. And it is time for me to take the pups and head to bed. Dear Hubby (aka DH) is already there and snoring...yes he snores and yes I still love him! :)


Monday, April 17, 2006

So here is the first...

Okay, what do you put as your first post? Who I am? What I stand for? What I want this to be?

Nope, too standard for me! Well I am not sure of the answers anyway. The plan is to write...just that. See what I come up with and how often I do. So if you hang around you will probably figure me out (but if you do can you let me in on the secret?).